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Liver Detox Herbs Homeopathic Remedies Phase 1 Phase 2 Nutrients Supplements

Mar 09, 2022

Liver Detoxification with Homeopathy, Herbs & Emotional Release    


Homeopathy is an energetic form of medicine which can help your liver, entire body AND your mind heal at a much deeper level. To enhance physical and emotional healing, my programs often include homeopathic remedies in conjunction with using nutritional and herbal supplements.


Here are a few of my favorite homeopathic remedies for your liver. Notice how specific the symptoms are for each homeopathic remedy. The beauty about homeopathic remedies is that they are used according to specific symptoms you may be expressing. Because of this specificity, homeopathy has the ability to take your healing to a much deeper level.


  • Nux-vomica – Helps to stimulate bile flow and detoxify from alcohol and other chemicals. Often indicated when someone has constipation, hard stool or stool that comes out like little pellets of sheep stool.
  • Lycopodium – I love using this remedy as a general natural liver detox, especially when someone has a lot of gas, bloating and fullness after their meals.
  • Carbo vegetabilis – I often use this remedy to detox someone from antibiotics, and if they have liver failure or liver cirrhosis. Symptoms could include (but not limited to) having a swollen belly from fluid retention (ascites), finding it difficult to breathe when lying down and often feeling like they need more air to breathe.
  • Chelidonium – A deep acting liver remedy, one of the best liver detox often used for chronic liver issues and cirrhosis, especially when there is nausea and pain behind the right ribcage or behind the right scapula.



In ancient systems of medicine, including traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the liver is often connected with the emotions and feelings of anger, frustration, resentment, impatience and irritability.


This relationship is bidirectional. If you hold on to lots of anger, resentment or similar feelings, your liver will likely be affected. I also see that people who have stagnant leaky liver due to inflammation, a poor diet, excessive alcohol and other underlying conditions, will have a tendency towards anger, irritability, impatience, etc.


I’m going to share some of the exercises I often use that give people a lot of benefit. Many of these exercises come from my experience in psychotherapy and family constellations therapy.



Forgiveness doesn’t come easy sometimes. Even when we try to forgive, some of us are still left with a feeling of hurt or disappointment. This is normal. Your mind might not be ready to let go of the pain or betrayal. When you say to someone: “I forgive you” , you sometimes still imply they are in the wrong and that they are guilty.  

Through my training in family constellations therapy, I found a new more complete way of saying “I forgive you”. It’s by saying “I’m sorry this happened for me with you”, or “I’m sorry this happened for us”, or “I’m sorry this happened between us”.

Saying it this way removes any blame you still hold for the person and doesn’t leave you with a false sense of superiority. Try it out, either to the person directly or in your mind, and see what happens. Forgiveness helps you move past resentment and frees up your liver energetically.

Expressing Anger (Some of these exercises are best done with supervision from a qualified therapist)


Anger is not a bad thing. Some of us are conditioned to suppress our anger and other feelings, because it is “rude”, “inappropriate”, “unsafe” or “unacceptable”. Anger is a necessary emotion we have in order to express our boundaries or to defend ourselves. Suppressing anger can lead to liver stagnation and chronic illness. Expressing anger can be done safely with the right kind of support. In my clinic or online, I will get my clients to do some of the following things:


  1.  Think about the pain and anger an incident caused them, and then growl, shout, scream in a way that feels authentic and connected to the hurt and anger you feel.
  2.  Remove all jewelry from your fingers and arms, and while thinking about the pain and expressing anger, begin to hit a mattress with your fists, ensuring you do it in a way that doesn’t injure you. While doing this, you can shout, growl or express your emotions using your voice, if your surroundings permit you to do so.



Emotions are stored in your body as well as in your mind, and it’s important for your body to experience a sense of energetic release as well in order for you to heal more deeply. Both of these techniques help both your body and mind release the anger. This is because in the exercise, you are allowing yourself to fully feel the emotions and sensations in your body, and you’re allowing yourself to move all parts of your body while expressing the anger. Using your body to express anger, rather than only relying on your voice or your thoughts, makes the experience more real for your nervous system, and therefore brings about deeper and longer lasting transformation.


Diaphragmatic Breathing

When you breathe deeply, using your diaphragm, your diaphragm exerts pressure and somewhat massages your liver. This improves liver detoxification and lymph movement around your liver. People who are stressed often breathe in a shallow way, using only the upper part of their lungs.


I encourage you to take at least 5 deep breaths at least 5 times a day. Not only will this help your liver, but it will also relax your nervous system and your vagus nerve. Your vagus nerve is an important nerve that affects most of your digestive organs, including your liver. When you breathe deeply, you regulate your vagus nerve and improve the kind of signals it sends to your liver.


There you have it! Your liver is one of the most important organs I focus on when treating chronic illness and emotional problems. Your emotions and childhood trauma also play a big role in your health. So remember, always look at healing both your body and your mind together if you want optimum wellness, with holistic trauma therapy.


About Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND

Dr. Ameet helps thousands of people heal from anxiety, depression, trauma and chronic illness using a combined approach of naturopathic & functional medicine, gestalt psychotherapy, homeopathy and family constellations therapy. You can find out more about his programs and home remedies for leaky gut on

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Get well soon! 



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Natural remedies for anxiety, depression, leaky gut syndrome, liver detox, adrenal fatigue, mental health, trauma, hormones, ancestral trauma & chronic disease

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