Holistic Medicine Courses & Natural Remedies For

Anxiety, Depression, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Liver Detox, Improve Gut Health, Mental Health, Adrenal Fatigue, Burnout, Stress, Trauma & Chronic Disease

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Natural remedies for anxiety, depression, leaky gut syndrome, liver detox, adrenal fatigue, trauma, hormone balance, ancestral trauma & chronic disease

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Childhood Trauma and Immune system adrenal fatigue auto immune autoimmune belief systems body response to trauma burnout colonialism emdr therapy emotional trauma energy family constellations therapy gut and liver holistic medicine inflammation mitochondria Jul 28, 2022

Emotions & Liver Detox For Optimal Health

"One of the ways to honor your parents is to really live your life" - Dr Ameet


Scroll down to get to Dr Ameet podcast and YouTube videos!

Dr. Keesha Ewe...

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What causes Depression in the Brain adrenal glands burnout causes of depression childhood trauma cortisol depression emdr therapy emotional trauma family constellations therapy gestalt holistic medicine holistic medicine courses inflammation liver liver and anxiety symptoms of anxiety and depression trauma therapy Jul 24, 2022


Wendy Myers: You live in Kenya. Tell us a little bit about your story and how you got interested in the health field and helping people with anxiety and depression.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: I was actua...

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How to Recover from Burnout adrenal fatigue adrenal glands adrenals anxiety burnout cortisol emotional healing emotional trauma endocrine system family constellations therapy gut and liver gut health holistic medicine how to recover from burnout improve liver function inflammation insomnia natural stress relief stress stress management trauma therapy Jul 01, 2022

What does Cortisol do during stress? Dr Ameet shares about how stress affects the body, trauma and stress related disorders and how to reduce stress hormones naturally. He also shares about the connec...

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