Holistic Medicine Courses & Natural Remedies For
Anxiety, Depression, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Liver Detox, Improve Gut Health, Mental Health, Adrenal Fatigue, Burnout, Stress, Trauma & Chronic Disease

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Natural remedies for anxiety, depression, leaky gut syndrome, liver detox, adrenal fatigue, trauma, hormone balance, ancestral trauma & chronic disease
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Disclaimer: The contents of this interview are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment
If you’ve ever dealt with anxiety and depression, you’re not alone. According to the World Health Organization, 5% of adults worldwide suffer from depression.
One of the best ways to deal with an...
4 Powerful Therapies to Process Stuck Energy & Emotions
Jason Prall
I am thrilled to have this conversation with our next guest, Dr. Ameet Agarwal has become a close friend of mine in the past few m...
Erin: Welcome to this very special session, everyone. I'm Erin Matlock. My guest today is Dr. Ameet Aggarwal. And for 15 years he has been helping people like you and definitely like me with issue...
Rebalancing the Gut-brain Axis with Homeopathy
Scroll down to get to Dr Ameet podcast and YouTube videos!
Guest: Dr. Ameet Aggarwal
The contents of this presentation are for informational purpose...
From the Trauma summit
Scroll down to get to Dr Ameet podcast and YouTube videos!
Niki: Perhaps as you call it overall, we could talk about what happens to this sort of top down, like what happens ...
Overcoming Toxic Relationships
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Ande: Hello, Avaiya family. I'm Ande Anderson, my partner Ike Allen and I are teachers, mentors and the co-owners of Avaiya ...
Dr. Caplan:
Hey, everyone. Dr. Tiffany Caplan here, from Caplan Heath
Institute and Center for Integrative Health. And today, I wanted to discuss the
connection more between mind and body, because some...