$500.00 USD


Agreement of Release and Waiver of Liability

By clicking on the purchase button for the retreat, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. That I will pay the remaining balance owed for the retreat within 2 weeks of paying my deposit (or sooner if the retreat starts sooner than 2 weeks from the deposit date). 
  2. That I am participating voluntarily in the retreat, during which I will receive information and instruction about wellness, emotional coaching, yoga and health. I acknowledge the information and activities in the retreat are not a substitute for medical advice or individual therapy.
  3. All information I provide on any application form related to this retreat will be correct and will be treated with discretion.
  4. I recognize that yoga requires physical exertion that may be strenuous and may cause physical injury, and the coaching and therapies may cause emotional responses and physical effects and I am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved.
  5. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in the Retreat. I represent and warrant that I am mentally and physically healthy and I have no medical conditions that would prevent my full participation in the Retreat. And in case of doubt, I agree to consult with my physician or professional therapist before joining and to inform the organizers of any doubt or concerns.
  6. I understand that if I am pregnant, I will take necessary steps to ensure my doctor and health care providers know I am participating in this Retreat. I assert that I am of fit health to participate in the Retreat and will alert all facilitators at the retreat whose sessions I participate in that I am pregnant. 
  7. In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Retreat, I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in the retreat, including any and all activities done with the Retreat group, or as an individual during my trip. I agree to take full responsibility for my experience, emotions and feelings and not to cause any harm to myself or others. 
  8. The retreat activities are completely alcohol-, drugs- and smoke-free (including electrical smoking). People who bring and/or use any of these substances will be removed from the activities without restitution. The minimum age of participants is 18 years.
  9. It’s prohibited to create any form of fire on the property without the supervision of a retreat representative. The use of incents and candles in the rooms or outside the buildings is prohibited. Camping and nightly walks in the surrounding area are not allowed.
  10. I agree to not diclose any individual’s identities, stories and experiences from the retreat. I can discuss my own experience without disclosing experiences and identities of others.
  11. I shall not take photos and videos and record voices of retreat participants.
  12. I agree to allow other participants to process their emotions and not interfere with their processes unless they ask for support. This includes not giving unsolicited advice and not giving touch and hugs that have not been requested.
  13. Out of respect for the participants and facilitators, I agree to not be disruptive or interrupt the processes, to show up on time for activities and agree that I may be asked to leave or not attend certain activities, without any refunds, if the facilitator or assistants find me to be disruptive to the retreat or consistently late to activities.
  14. I agree not to use any mobile devices or computers during the retreat activities. 
  15. I agree to abide by the laws of the country where this retreat is taking place.
  16. In case of breaches to these agreements, I may be removed from the retreat without any refund of my costs to attend the retreat, including travel and accommodation costs.
  17. I agree that Ameet and the organizers are not liable in any case for any loss or travel costs if the retreat is cancelled and it has been recommended that I book a refundable flight ticket in the unlikely event that the retreat is cancelled. I have been requested to only book tickets once the retreat is confirmed. 
  18. In further consideration of being permitted to participate in the Retreat, I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND, the Retreat venue and its staff for injury or damages that I may sustain as a result of participating in the retreat. I, my heirs and legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to take legal action against Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND, the retreat venue and its staff for any injury, incapacity to work, medical support, damage or loss of personal belongings, or death caused by their negligence or other acts.
  19. If I need to transfer my reservation to another person, I will ensure this person reads, agrees to and signs this waiver in electronic or paper format and submits the signed waiver to the organizers of the retreat. Should the person fail to agree, sign and submit the waiver, I will be responsible for all damages, costs and claims made by this person should the person pursue any legal action against the organizers or the venue.

I have read the above release and waiver of liability and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree and confirm being invited to consult legal counsel before participating in the retreat.

Malindi Retreat Deposit


**Early bird rate is only valid if you pay the full amount of balance owing before the expiry date of the early bird rate. Paying your deposit early and failing to pay the owing balance BEFORE the expiry of the early bird date does not qualify you for the early bird rate.  

If you pay your deposit and are unable to make your full payment in time, we reserve the right to give the spot to someone else and forfeit your space if the retreat becomes fully booked.  

Once you make your deposit, you will receive email instructions on how to pay your balance to the retreat venue. 

Here's What To Expect For Your Exclusive Retreat:

  • Daily emotional Healing, Yoga, Meditation & Personal Growth Sessions
  • 3 or 4 nights half board accommodation (Arrival Dinner Day 1, Breakfast & Lunch Day 2 & 3 or 4 if paid for 4 nights), Departure Breakfast Day 4 or Day 5 if paid for 4 nights)
  • Vegan, Gluten Free and Dairy Free Healthy Options
  • Holistic medicine education
  • Daily mid-morning / afternoon snacks and drinking water
  • Fun, love and emotional growth
  • Airport transfers to / from Malindi Airstrip and resort.