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Eleven Minutes of Exercise Counteracts Sitting back pain bones heart Oct 17, 2024

What 11 Minutes of Exercise Can Do

It shouldn’t be news to anybody that sitting for long periods is bad for your health. Unfortunately, if you have a job that requires you to be at a desk or computer...

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What is POTS? What are the causes and cure of POTS? causes of pots cure of pots heart natural medicine for pots nervos system pots and covid 19 what is pots Feb 05, 2022


POTS is a kind of dysautonomia or autonomic nervous disorder. This part of the nervous system controls functions that we don't actively control, such as heart rate, blood pressure, pers...

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HOW YOUR GUT EFFECTS YOUR HEART? adrenal fatigue adult abuse connection between the gut and heart gut heart leaky gut Feb 05, 2022

“Maybe the old saying is true: the road to a man's heart is through his stomach.”

In the United States, heart disease remains the major cause of death. So, it's not surprising that almost everyone kn...

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Facts about fats heart liver Apr 19, 2021

Eat Healthy Fats

Feeling confused about fats? Most people are. There’s lots of controversy (and misinformation) about this topic. So let’s start with what we can all agree on…

Fats are not inherentl...

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5 tips to a healthy heart circulatory system heart Apr 18, 2021

Tips for a Heart-Healthy Life

Reducing your risk of having a heart attack or stroke begins with the habits you follow every day. Here are my top 5 tips for a heart-healthy lifestyle:

  1. Get Moving. I
  2. ...
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tips on how to feel connected emotions heart stress Apr 17, 2021

Tips for a Heart-Healthy Life

Reducing your risk of having a heart attack or stroke begins with the habits you follow every day. Here are my top 5 tips for a heart-healthy lifestyle:


  1. Get Moving...
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