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8 ways chemicals harm your body adrenal fatigue endocrine system liver toxicity nervos system May 10, 2021

Ways Everyday Chemicals Harm Your Body

Bizarre and unexplained health symptoms can be extremely frustrating. If you’ve been trying to get to the bottom of a medical mystery, there’s a chance that exp...

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What flame retardants could do to your breasts breast cancer endocrine system May 09, 2021

Flame Retardants and Breast Health

Flame retardants might create changes in breast health that increase the risk of breast cancer. Let’s break down what the recent research shows and look at why it m...

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Toxic metals found in baby food autoimmune cancer liver toxicity May 09, 2021

Warnings About Baby Food 

Do you have a baby or grand-baby who eats commercial baby food? Then please read on. This post will help you choose safer baby food products.

First, the breaking news. Inve...

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5 Uses for Sour Tea liver detox May 06, 2021

Sour Best Tea for Liver Repair

Ever heard of sour tea?

It’s probably not what you think. Sour tea goes by a variety of different names but refers to a plant with the botanical name of Hibiscus sabda...

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Tips for sneaking more vegetables into your diet bowels digestive system May 05, 2021

The Perfect ‘5-A-Day’

You’ve heard the recommendation to eat ‘5-A-Day.” Eating more fruits and vegetables reduces your risk of chronic disease and helps you live a longer and healthier life. But does...

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Autism: what you need to know brain May 04, 2021

Autism Awareness

Autism rose from 1 in 125 children in 2010 to 1 in 59 children in 2020. It is more common than childhood cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined. You can help spread awareness and accept...

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Benefits of dry skin brushing circulatory system lymphatic system skin Apr 30, 2021

How to Dry Skin Brush

Dry skin brushing is a traditional practice that’s gaining popularity and some surprising health benefits!

Brushing off the skin exfoliates dead skin cells, promotes blood and ...

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benefits of ending your shower in cold circulatory system Apr 29, 2021

Why to End Your Shower on Cold

I know it sounds crazy, but ending your shower on cold is one of the EASIEST ways to get your day off to the right start and set the stage for better health. Here’s why...

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One Simple Way to Boost Kids’ Emotional Resilience brain depression emotions stress Apr 28, 2021

The Emotional Toll on Kids

Let’s talk mental health in kids.

Some of our kids are facing serious mental health challenges because of the pandemic. They are either doing school remotely or are wearin...

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Warning signs of heart attack heart muscle Apr 27, 2021

How to Recognize a Heart Attack & Act Quickly

How long do you think it would take you to recognize that you might be having a heart attack? How long might it take you to recognize it in somebody else...

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Preventive measures of heart disease circulatory system Apr 26, 2021

Windows to Heart Disease Risk

(Heart Health Month)

Heart attacks happen to many people with no warning—which is why heart disease is called a ‘silent killer.” But it shouldn’t be that way. There are...

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Try this to test your heart circulatory system Apr 24, 2021

Climb Stairs to Test Heart Health

Let’s get practical here. Not everybody needs extensive medical testing to evaluate their heart health. But everyone should have ways to check on how they’re doing.

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